I Finally got around to installing XBMC on my iPad 2. I’ve been meaning to do this for ages but I’ve been waiting on the Jailbreak coming out. Setup was really easy simply go to cydia on your jailbroken ipad and do the following :-
1. Go to Sources -> Edit -> Add
3. Type in “http://mirrors.xbmc.org/apt/ios/” (Without the quotation marks)
Now once the repository is added and updated, search for XBMC in cydia and hit install. Mine installed really quickly and I was up and running in minutes. All that was left to do is add my SMB shares from the iMac and I could start streaming videos in any format directly from my mac. No need to convert to mp4/m4v and no need to manually copy them across into the VLC app. All in all A nice use for the iPad, portal streaming throughout the house. I’ve also setup the iPhone 4 for streaming which is excellent.
As this is a free app I’d advise you all install and have a play with it. I’ve now got XBMC on every machine in the house, including my jailbroken Apple TV 2 and it’s the centre of my home media.