Quick update on current Projects

Just a really quick post to let you know what I’m working on at the moment. Koolbadges is a full time development project. Now that we are so busy on the site I’m constantly tweaking the site, running queries, optimizing queries and tables and generally trying to make the site as fast as possible. With around 6000 unique visitors every day it really has become a full time occupation, however I have a few other projects int he pipeline.

iPrint Images is a Photography prints website selling photography prints online. It’s our next major project, and whilst the site is live & online, we are still developing the site and adding loads of Vicki’s prints to it. Nice to have something different to work on so excpect big changes in the coming months.

Finally my brother in law Gary & I are developing a DIY website, selling everything from rugs & tiles to Curtains and shutters. This is going to be a mammoth task, utilising Gary’s gift of the gab and my development skills. Also Gary is aiming to source all the suppliers so it’s going to be a busy few months.

Watch this space for updates…

John Large

My name is John Large. I am a Web Developer, E-commerce site owner & all round geek. My areas of interest include hardware hacking, digital privacy & security, social media & computer hardware. I’m also a minimalist in the making, interested in the Tiny House movement & the experience economy along with a strong interest in sustainability & renewable energy. When I’m not tapping on a keyboard or swiping a smart phone I can be found sampling great coffee, travelling the world with my wife Vicki (who writes over at Let’s Talk Beauty) & generally trying to live my life as unconventionally as possible.

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