A Year Without Spending – Day 20 – Free Magazines thanks to a good friend!

Mini Magazine & Mini World - Kindly Donated by a friend
Mini Magazine & Mini World - Kindly Donated by a friend

Today’s entry is a thank you to my friend Steven Almond as much as an update on the no spending front. Ste had been trying to sell these Mini magazine online, and when the buyer didn’t pay for the items he kindly drove them to my house and donated them to me. This has been a real life saver, as there are around 40 magazines of varying age from the Mini Magazine & Mini World varieties. I love Mini’s and always have. I’ve owned three of them, a 1275GT Clubman that competed in Lombard rallies, and 850cc Mini auto which was really cute, and a de-seamed & modified Mini 1000. The reading material donated will satisfy my Magazine lust for at least the next year if I limit myself to a new magazine from the pile each week.

This is a really good idea, and I’m going to suggest to friends even after the year without spending is up, to buy different magazines and trade them between each other. Magazines are a real expense for me as I like to buy Mini World & Mini Magazine, along with Land Rover magazine and Custom PC. It can end up costing a small fortune month on month. So thanks Mr Almond for passing on these magazines, it is really appreciated.

With regards to not spending, I’ve encountered various dilhemas over the past few days. Concert tickets being one of them. I love live music, always have done, and really enjoy going to live gigs. The bands I like are pretty obscure, which means if a favourite band is playing, I’ve got to go along incase it’s the last time I get to see them. Luckilly I racked up a few tickets last year for gigs this year which has tided me over nicely, however there are tons of gigs I want to buy tickets for, such as the summer festivals, which I’m trying my hardest to resist buying. More than the goods I’m not buying, the events I’m not attending are really killing me.

Oh well, I can live without extra gigs for a year, just like I can live without new magazines & books for a year. Lets just see what the rest of the year brings. I’m still waiting on the enlightenment that should surely come from not spending!!!

My mini on the left, our friend Scotts on the right
My mini on the left, our friend Scotts on the right

John Large

My name is John Large. I am a Web Developer, E-commerce site owner & all round geek. My areas of interest include hardware hacking, digital privacy & security, social media & computer hardware. I’m also a minimalist in the making, interested in the Tiny House movement & the experience economy along with a strong interest in sustainability & renewable energy. When I’m not tapping on a keyboard or swiping a smart phone I can be found sampling great coffee, travelling the world with my wife Vicki (who writes over at Let’s Talk Beauty) & generally trying to live my life as unconventionally as possible.

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