3 Books on Frugality to start the New Year

My Latest Books
My Latest Books

Well at last my three New Years purchases arrived. I ordered these around a week ago from Amazon to start the new year off right. Vicki & I have been talking for ages about consumerism and how we feel we have been sucked into the whole “I buy to feel happy” movement. What with  the impending Financial meltdown, and the fact we are now home workers, it only seems right that we take the time to learn how to avoid consumerism. Don’t get me wrong, this isn’t a rant about capitalism, after all our economy is built on capitalism. it is however an effort to cut out frivolous spending and to enjoy the things we do get.

The first book above is The Spend Less Handbook by Rebecca Ash.

The Second book is The Thrift Book by India Knight.

The final book is Sold Out by Robert Llewellyn.

Descriptions to follow shortly.

You can buy all three books on Amazon by clicking on the covers below

A quick Video by Robert explaining his year without spending


John Large

My name is John Large. I am a Web Developer, E-commerce site owner & all round geek. My areas of interest include hardware hacking, digital privacy & security, social media & computer hardware. I’m also a minimalist in the making, interested in the Tiny House movement & the experience economy along with a strong interest in sustainability & renewable energy. When I’m not tapping on a keyboard or swiping a smart phone I can be found sampling great coffee, travelling the world with my wife Vicki (who writes over at Let’s Talk Beauty) & generally trying to live my life as unconventionally as possible.

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