A Year Without Spending – Day 28-30 – Liverpool trip & Podcasts

Thursday saw us taking a train to Liverpool to see some ‘capital of culture’ culture. When we lived in St Helens when I was younger and more handsome we would take the train to Liverpool all the time, but since moving to Scotland & Manchester for the better part of 7 years Liverpool fell out of favour with our more ‘Cosmopolitan’ tastes in cities. Vicki & I both remarked on the train that it must be 6 years since we took the train to liverpool, which is a long time for someone who used to spend every day in the city.

We where pretty shocked that the train fare hadn’t chaged in all these years, and was still £3.60 return which is excellent. On arrival at Liverpool lime Street we quickly moved out of the cold and into the Walker Art Gallery. I was really impressed with the collection they have, but can’t help feeling a lot of the stuff in there has been sent to bolster the collection for the capital of culture crap. Anyways we saw the really famous painting of Henry VIII which was a highlight to me as I always remember that iconic image from History texts. They had some pretty good sculptures in there too.

Next we moved onto the Liverpool Museum which was amazing. All the time Vicki lived & went to University in Liverpool, the museum was behind a shroud of scaffold and wood. It has now re-opened with a pretty amazing collection and an equally impressive building. Notable parts of the museum where the aquarium and the insect house. All in all it was a good museum and on par with anything we have seen in London r New York.

After the museum Vicki treated me to a chicken ramen at a noodle bar. She has a chicked curry and we had a great meal and a nice relax before jumping on the train and heading home. The whole day including the meal cost us £25 between the two of us. We took our own snacks and a ton of water in our Sigga bottles which saved us a fortune on the usual expensive snacks.

Today, my friend Steven Almond drove me upto his workshop. The workshop is a couple of miles from where we live and is located on a working farm. The workshop is looking pretty damn impressive with a terrific array of machinery and materials. Ste is starting a furniture restoration & manifacturing business, so it was great to see where everything will be made. I feel a website coming on! Anyway the trip out was good, and it was nice to relax in a tranquil agricultural setting for a while. Check out the pictures below, taken on the iPhone so not the highest resolution, but still good. That was another free trip and made a nice change.

Right enough for today. i’m still not buying stuff, and its actually getting easier. If I hit any bmps int he road you readers will be the first to know. Now the pictures.

John Large

My name is John Large. I am a Web Developer, E-commerce site owner & all round geek. My areas of interest include hardware hacking, digital privacy & security, social media & computer hardware. I’m also a minimalist in the making, interested in the Tiny House movement & the experience economy along with a strong interest in sustainability & renewable energy. When I’m not tapping on a keyboard or swiping a smart phone I can be found sampling great coffee, travelling the world with my wife Vicki (who writes over at Let’s Talk Beauty) & generally trying to live my life as unconventionally as possible.

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